Razer has released a press release, published a full page spread in the international edition of the Wall Street Journal and created a short viral-esque flash video in order to propogate two ideas:
1: That PC gaming is not dead
2: That they plan to do something about it, with the announcement of what coming on the 26th of August.
Their statement reads (and is very similar to the transcript of the flash video):
We have all heard the rehtoric about the demise of PC Gaming-the stories that console gaming will take over all gaming and that PC gamers will be left with shoddy ports of console titles.
The rumours of our untimtely demise have been greatly exaggerated. We are more than 300 million PC gamers worldwide and this legion is growing every day. Today there are more PC gamers than all console gamers combined and we have been silent in the face of the closed gaming systems that have been propogated.
We, the PC Gamers, have been here since the beginning and have seen the industry grow to surpass movies and music, and we look forward to an open world where console and PC gamers will stand side by side as gamers in arms.
We are here today to tell you, that on the 26th of August, we will seek to end the silence and bring a new age of openness and innovation to all gaming. Togeter we shall remind you – that PC gaming is NOT dead.
If you want to see/hear the flash animation, give this link a click.